The planet has been sending us a warning for a long time but now it’s time for us to take action. Climate change and global warming are the threats that are rising day by day, but who’s responsible for this? Who’ll fix this damage? Humans! Yes, We’re the biggest threats. We humans have become so selfish that we’ve forgotten about our home, this planet is our home and where we go if we destroy it? With all the revenue that we’ve been generating for years by risking the Earth, what’s the point when Earth will be doomed? It’s time that we keep our interests aside, It’s time that we call out all those factories and industries that are contributing to destroying our planet. These corrupt industries that solely work for their benefit are the reason for climate change, global warming, and whatnot.
The signs of climate change are crystal clear. Glaciers are melting rapidly, rising temperatures, and intense weather events. We need to understand that climate change is not just something for the earth but it’s about our rights, it’s about our future generations, and it’s a matter of social justice.
The average global temperature has risen by 1°C since 1880. Glaciers have lost 15% of their mass since 1970, moreover, oceans have absorbed 30% of CO2, causing solidification, and not just that but 1 million species faced extinction due to climate change. It strongly affects agriculture leading a lot of countries to starve, 1 in 9 people worldwide faces hunger. Climate change is killing people, it increases the risk of heat-related illnesses, respiratory diseases, and mental health problems.
Some events like droughts, wildfires, and extreme rainfall are happening rapidly. The planet has become warmer. With our anthropocentric activities, we’ve disturbed the balance of greenhouse gases that contribute to trapping the heat that causes global warming, which is why many countries are earthquake-prone.
We’re either facing extremely hot weather or extremely cold weather, both of them are not good, neither for us nor for the planet.
Many countries are protesting climate change because the future is at stake, and the earth is at risk however, despite social media showing the news regarding climate change, a lot of people don’t feel bothered, they tend to ignore what’s happening around them but little would they know, that they’re risking their future, their future generation’s future and among all their home. Climate change has gone overboard destroying both life above land and life below land. The coral reefs are wrecked, our oceans have become warmer and all of this for what? MONEY, THE NEVER ENDING GREED, AND THE PROFIT! We must stop, we must cut those dead who are risking our futures, and our planet for their profit, we must stand together and take action because if we don’t do it now, the earth will stop.
Climate change needs to be addressed. Fight for what’s right, and demand urgent action for climate change from the leaders, politicians, and industries. Do it for life, do it for earth, do it for your kids and your home. Let’s not turn a blind eye to these threats and together be a force to be reckoned with and earth will shine in its glory again.